Natura trentina
Along the Sentiero della Pace (Peace Trail) to the forts in Trentino

The Trentino Province offers numerous beautiful and fascinating castles which are witnesses to the splendour of the past and were the strongholds of the many wealthy noblemen. But Trentino is also dotted with numerous military forts which form part of the history of the Province and of Italy itself. These are not the only reminders of the First World War and the previous conflicts. Along the 350-kilometre front, visitors can find trenches, tunnels and a number of museums built after the war to recount this important period of our history. The more important of these are located along the Peace Trail, which links Passo del Tonale to Marmolada and can be explored on foot or by bicycle.
There are many excursions to choose from, several of them in the company of a guide, through the Summer and into September and October. On the bike tour of Col delle Benne and Forte di Tenna you can discover the two forts and small churches in S. Biagio and S.Valentino, and also enjoy breathtaking views of lakes Caldonazzo and Levico and the peaks of Valsugana. The Fort in Colle delle Benne, which was built between 1880 and 1882, can also be admired in a two-hour night-time excursion. Evidence of the Great War can also be found by walking or cycling towards Forte Zaccarana, the permanent fortification built by the Austrians at a higher altitude, and Forte Strino, which houses the White War museum, or as far as Forte Brusafer and Forte Fornas on the higher reaches of the Vigolana. Or perhaps you would prefer to stroll around the forts on Monte Brione, including Forte Garda, or take a guided visit to Forte Pozzacchio (which was dug in the rock by the Austrians and built using the most advanced technology of the time)? Choose from these and many more trails.
Among the many exhibitions organized, there is the Montagne in guerra. Uomini, scienza, natura sul fronte dolomitico 1915-1918 (Mountains at war. Men, science and nature on the Dolomites front) at the Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti, which recounts the Great War from the nature point of view: “the shape of the mountains and the way in which man used them, the bond with the Alps which transcends the places and uses the signs of war to generate a collective heritage”.
For information about exploring Trentino’s historical past, please visit:
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