Operation 4.2.1
Support for investments for the transformation and marketing and/or development of agricultural products
Focus Area 3A: Improve the primary producers’ integration into the agri-food chain
through quality standard systems, products’ promotion in local markets,
shorter chains, producers’ associations and interprofessional organisations.
Criteria 2021 – Purchase of equipment
Innovation and upgrading of 8 large, approximately 1,100 hl capacity tanks
The investment concerns the upgrading of 8 approximately 1,100 hl tanks. In detail, work is carried out inside old concrete tanks that are being upgraded through the construction of new stainless steel tanks. These are completely independent in terms of functionality from the previous structures, which are used as anchoring supports only.
Goal: To improve process quality, including microbiological safety, through the use of existing volumes and spaces currently occupied by concrete, load-bearing tanks built in 1964.
Results: use of fewer cleaning products, water savings, speeding up of process.
7000 kg/h steam generator
The investment concerns the supply of n° 1 7000 kg/h steam generator for the washing and sterilization of bottling lines for filling and microfiltration machines.
Goal: A device for the washing and sterilization of bottling lines that enables consumption to be reduced by using energy that otherwise would be wasted, in place of the current boiler, which has been rendered obsolete and oversized by the introduction of equipment that requires the provision of less steam.
Results: Reduction in water and energy consumption
Expense eligible for contribution € 482,874.00
Total amount granted € 193,149.60 of which
EU-EAFRD € 83,015.70
National State € 77,093.73
Autonomous Province of Trento € 33,040.17
For further information regarding funding opportunities, visit the PSR website at
and the European Commission´s EAFRD website at
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